25 OCT 2017 by ideonexus
American and French Revolutions Led to Different Results
...the structure of a network determines its virality. As recent work by the social scientists Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler has shown, the contagiousness of a disease or an idea depends as much on a social network’s structure as on the inherent properties of the virus or meme. The history of the late eighteenth century illustrates that point well. The ideas that inspired both the American Revolution and the French Revolution were essentially the same, and both were transmitted throu...Folksonomies: history enlightenment
Folksonomies: history enlightenment
16 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
Simultaneous Invention
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879. What if he had never been born, Would we still have light bulbs? And would they still have been invented in 1879? It turns out that this is not just a philosophical question and the answer is yes, the light bulb would have been invented at roughly the same time. We know this because at least 23 other people built prototype light bulbs before Edison1, including two groups who filed patents and fought legal battles with him over the rights (Sawyer ...Folksonomies: invention synchronicity
Folksonomies: invention synchronicity
Inventions being discovered simultaneously is not just coincidence, it's a regular phenomenon.
12 DEC 2011 by ideonexus
Implications of M-Theory
Whether M-theory exists as a single formulation or only as a network, we do know some of its properties. First, M-theory has eleven space-time dimensions, not ten. String theorists had long suspected that the prediction often dimensions might have to be adjusted, and recent work showed that one dimension had indeed been overlooked. Also, M-theory can contain not just vibrating strings but also point particles, two-dimensional membranes. three-dimensional blobs, and other objects that are more...Folksonomies: quantum physics m-theory
Folksonomies: quantum physics m-theory
M-Theory allows for multiple Universes and 11 dimensions.
21 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
1.5 Percent Gene Difference Translates to Thousands of Pr...
But recent work shows that our genetic resemblance to our evolutionary
cousins is not quite as close as we thought. Consider this. A
1.5 percent difference in protein sequence means that when we line up
the same protein (say, hemoglobin) of humans and chimps, on average
we’ll see a difference at just one out of every 100 amino acids. But
proteins are typically composed of several hundred amino acids. So a
1.5 percent difference in a protein 300 amino acids long translates into
about four di...The analogy is made that if you change 1 percent of the words you change much more than 1 percent of the sentences, and the same applies to the genetic drift between humans and chimps.